- For a wider perspective on the lessons drawn over the past seven years of the war on terror the reader can do no better than turn to mr kilcullen 's excellent book .
- 就获取一个以更广的视野理解美国从过去七年间的“反恐战争”中得到的教训而言,再没有比基尔卡伦的精彩著述更好的了。
- I can do no better than to tell you a story .
- 我最好讲个故事给你听。
- We are all no better than beasts in a jungle if that were the case .
- 要是真的没有理智,那咱们也就无异于丛林里的野兽了。
- He is no better than a thief .
- 他简直是个贼。
- Survival is the absolute principle to live clear is no better than to live long .
- 存在才是硬道理,活得清楚远远不如活得长久来得实在。
- It is now running the resulting joint ventures-presumably no better than it runs its original fields .
- 它现在经营了许多合资公司--大概并不会比它原先经营的油田好到哪去。
- I could do it no better than that .
- 我没法干得比那样更好了。
- And your feet don 't stink ? You 're no better than others .
- 你的脚不臭么?你也不比其他人好.
- They found that 50-minutes of hatha burned just 144 calories no better than a slow walk .
- 他们发现,50分钟的瑜伽运动只消耗了144卡路里的热量,并不比散步效果好。
- After a few days when she could understand him no better than at first she gave over being puzzled and remained piqued .
- 几天过后,她对他的认知仍然提留在最初的相识,不过她放弃了困惑并对他始终保持兴趣。